Download my FREE eBook. This is a MUST HAVE resource for anyone who is considering the freight broker industry (About 40 pgs, 19 Topics) Enter your email address and name for an immediate download.

introduction to freight brokering

“Insider Secrets to Successful Freight Brokering”

Vol.1 (79 pgs) – Nearly 100 Secret Gems

eBook – $15.00

This eBook is in PDF format and is available for immediate downloaded

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE “Insider Secrets to Successful Freight Brokering”

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Grab this eBook now! It is jam-packed with nearly 100 insightful, high impact blog posts covering topics such as starting a freight broker business, freight broker training, freight broker marketing strategies, freight broker tools of the trade, getting your freight broker authority, freight broker financing, plus more.

Here are more specific topics:

  • Tips on selecting a business name

  • The best approach to find shippers

  • Should you incorporate?

  • Several ways to “take the order”

  • The most important concern for trucking firms becoming freight brokers

  • How to “win” in freight brokering

  • How to structure your working day

  • What shippers need to hear from you

  • How to deal with difficult people

  • What to do if you have the jitters

  • Several ways to market your services

  • What you need to learn in addition to just freight brokering

  • Why you will love our telephone training

  • What is the most important ingredient between the broker and carrier?

  • How to compete with others

  • What software, if any, do you need?

  • What to know before you hire your carrier

  • What are the best tools to help you broker freight?

  • Do you need a website?

  • What are the legal requirements to become a freight broker?

  • One simple technique to get money coming in faster

  • How to monitor your progress

  • How much money do you need to get started?

  • Freight broker or broker agent – what is the difference?

Best wishes to your success,

John D. Thomas

Atex Freight Broker Training, Inc.

El Paso, TX 79902

CHECK OUT MY BLOG Insiders Secrets to Freight Broker Success