Text That Girl – Ultimate Men’s Texting Guide 75% Comm + Upsells

Text That Girl – Ultimate Men’s Texting Guide 75% Comm + Upsells
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The hotter the girl is, the more exponentially difficult it’s gonna be to compete. 

Let me explain.

A girl who is so-so might give her number out to 3 or 4 guys. Frankly, not that many guys are asking for it.

A girl who is solidly above average might give her number out to 8 to 10 guys.

And the girl who every guy wants? There are about 17 to 24 guys who are actively texting her today – or on any given day, for that matter.

When I first realized this, I got PISSED. I fumed that life wasn’t fair. I would send messages that were way too challenging – and when I wouldn’t hear back from the girls, I told myself that it was because they were “just being bitchy hot girls” who liked shooting down guys like me.

But before you share in my anger, ask yourself – wouldn’t you do the same if you were a girl?

It’s no problem for her to filter through the texts she gets, ignoring the ones that don’t tickle her fancy, while she chooses two or three guys who she wants to fight over her.

Of course, you don’t know the guys you’re competing with. 

You’ve never even met them.

But every time her phone buzzes, she’s carefully evaluating each message, stacking the guys up against each other, and wondering which of these race horses is going to be her champion.

She just wants a cool guy to spend time with. She’s gonna pick the one who makes it the easiest and the most fun.

Is that going to be you? 

Because this is a game where it’s winner-take-all.

And just look at how Jose was able to win it:

I want you to win.

Regarding his basketball career, Michael Jordan wrote that “I’m not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.”

And I know for damn sure that you didn’t get her number just because you wanted another number in your phone book.

No – you got it because you were into her and you want to see her again. We’re guys here – we can be honest with each other.

And I’ve got to be honest with you – I didn’t just pop out of my mother’s womb as a text messaging samurai. 

But my training was about as rigorous as it gets.

For the last five years, Las Vegas has been my home base, and I’ve traveled around the world, living everywhere from New York to New Zealand. 

I’m a nomad.

I’ve spent my time as a bartender, as a personal trainer, as a writer… but my career never mattered as much to me, because what I really want in life is to see the world and spend my time with awesome friends and beautiful women. 

What fun is life if you can’t share it with someone whose smile warms your heart and whose touch turns you on?

So once I moved to Vegas, I went about meeting women like it was my job. I met them at barbeques, in nightclubs, at work, through friends, and yes, even online.

(in fact, I’ve met so many women online that I’ve written another Award-Winning program about how to rock that.)

But don’t think for a second that I always knew what I was doing. I’ve probably screwed up more text messages with more women than most guys will even talk to in their lifetimes.

To quote Michael Jordan once again, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

The simple fact of the matter is that I sent text after text to woman after woman, and kept track of which ones worked. I wasn’t afraid to screw up, fail or look bad, because a.) new women are constantly cycling into Vegas and b.) I was traveling for at least a third of each year.

When I started getting good enough to get numbers and text girls, I’d get a positive response about 2 in 10 times. And as I started to see the patterns behind what worked and what didn’t, over the course of five years and thousands of texts, I developed not only a massive library of 100%-success rate texts to send…

…but then a style of writing messages that girls loved…

…and then a system for going from text to date in record time…

…and then the superpowers that got girls – LOTS of them – to chase ME!

I didn’t realize how good I’d become until my buddies started handing me their phones whenever they needed some “professional help,” as one of them called it.

But it soon dawned on me that I had become better than anyone I knew at text messaging women. 

I never had to ask my friends what to say. 

I never even thought about my texts for more than a second or two.

And all of the frustration of years past…

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