Marketing for Hair Salon Owners
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marketing for hair salons

           opening a hair salon   Ben Barker presents…

…Now You Too Can
Compete With The Toughest Competition, And Start Stuffing Money Back
Into Your
Own Cash Register From Today Forwards.

all started when you became a skilled hairdresser. You
loved meeting people, you loved showing off your creative flair.

after a while, you noticed how much money your boss –
the salon owner – was wedging into his cash register every day. That’s
when you
realized that you were on the wrong side of the fence!

you made a smart and brave move and started your own

your name above the door, staff working hard for you
and respecting you, friends and family being proud of you… it was a
lifestyle, right?

before long, the reality struck…

Running a
successful salon wasn’t going to be as
easy as you had imagined

your salon is barely breaking even. You have
unmotivated staff slouching around the salon, complaining that there is
no work
and how bored they are.

business doesn’t pick up soon, then you know you are
going to lose your well trained, expert stylists (and often good
friends) to
the local competition across the street.

dream has suddenly turned into a stressful nightmare.

But like all nightmares, your
current situation can be
ended with a quick wake up call. That’s why, in the next few minutes..

Going To Show You A
Modern Day Salon Marketing System That Is Fast, Can Be Done On A

And Is Very Easy To Implement…

hair salon profitsA
system which allows your salon to run much more
with much higher profits,
less advertising costs,
and more repeat

system which turns you into the talk of the town… and
the envy of your harsh competition across the street.

system that even the most down and out, ready to quit,
barely breaking even salon owners can roll out, rinse and repeat and
wash away
the stress of a struggling salon after putting it into action.

also very affordable, easy and quick, and will allow
you to start turning the profits back on in a snip.

no, it’s not
about spending thousands on
newspaper ads or Yellow Pages listings that don’t work.

about damaging your business with
sales and discounts (that’s a huge “nail in the coffin” mistake for
most salon owners.)

This is not some system that has been
rehashed from the 90’s. It’s a set of modern day marketing

  • Bring in new customers
    with little to NO extra
  • Keep
    customer loyalty
    higher than ever before
  • Get
    more people recommending you to their
  • Allow
    you to stand out from the competition no
    matter how big and powerful they are
  • Take the pressure off
    , by getting other
    people to build your business for you (including your competitors,
    believe it
    or not)
  • Give
    you profit
    and time
    to open more salons
    over the coming years

And that means…

  • No
    lying awake at night worrying how the
    bills are going to be paid.
  • No
    stressful days of low footfall or head
  • No
    borrowing to pay your overheads.
  • No
    guilt or worries about laying off your
    best stylists or worse still, letting them fall into the hands of your

time to put your
business back on target
. It’s
time to start making the kind of money that your old salon boss was
where your dream began, remember?

And it all starts with…

Golden Rules Of Salon

Don’t waste money on advertising, until
you can afford to test it. Use your profits to roll out small local
ads, but
don’t take the risk until you can afford to. Traditional advertising is
not as
effective today, so beware!

Money back guarantees don’t matter to
customers… all they care about is a comfortable experience, and
feeling great
when they walk out. Get it wrong once, and you’ll probably never have a

What makes your salon worth visiting
over that big brand across the street? What can you offer that they
can’t? What
happens if they introduce a new line of products or services… will
you be
able to quickly adapt? The more unique you are, and the more flexible
and open
to change you are, the less you will have to worry about competition.

Sales and discounts seldom save a
business. If anything, they make your salon look cheap and desperate.
promotions and events, not sales. If you need to cut costs, do it from
supply end, don’t take it out of the profits or staff wages.

If something isn’t generating
profit or is a time suck, then drop it. Look at what is making the
margins and really make that a central point of your business.

Cash flow kills more businesses than anything
else. If you have to borrow, make sure you have a realistic plan for
repayments. If you’re borrowing just to keep your business above water,
you need a new marketing plan, fast.

What isn’t generating a profit? Breaking
even is ok, but you can’t afford regular monthly losses to continue.
Look at
your financial reports and records, and see what needs to go. Don’t be
sentimental or emotionally attached; just drop whatever is sucking
money out of
your business. Then focus more time and money on pushing the thing that
working instead.

that’s not enough. There’s something else you should
know if you want to turn your salon around in record time…

Average Salon Only
Keeps 30%-50% Of The First Time Clients Who Walk Through The Door.

means that if you can control who comes in, you can significantly
increase your repeat customer base.

know this already, but do you know how it’s done?

if not, then let’s get into the real deep and dark
secrets of a profitable salon.

let’s cover some tips for holding onto more

You need a website (or a better one)

web is no longer just about worldwide companies
anymore. Local searches dominate the search engines every day.

want to do some research on your salon before they
book these days. This is a great opportunity to sell yourself hands

you need to do is include some basic info: hours,
prices, location, contact info, staff names, payments accepted,
products you
carry. There are many inexpensive website builders/designers out there

to cut down staff costs and calls? Then set up an
online booking system that takes care of all your incoming call
bookings. It’s
not that hard to do, and a web programmer can set this up for a

actually a lot of premade solutions that you can
ask a programmer to install, which would drastically cut the costs even
further. Just tell them that you don’t need a solution built, and that
they can
use a premade booking system that integrates into your own site.

Do something wacky

salons let their customers have a “duvet
day” where they come in wearing pyjamas. It sounds silly, but these
of quirks give your salon personality and get people talking about you
in a
good way.

Be smart with any paid advertising

profile, upper class clients are not interested in
sales or discounts. Middle class clients are not able to drop in during

need to send the right message to the right
demographic for the best response. Do you know who your main target
is? If so, what would appeal to them the most?

can you make it easier for them to make a booking and
come in? Where do they hang out and work? Knowing these things will
allow you
to find ways of reaching them directly, and speaking their language.

Get a better accountant

haven’t got time to worry about someone you don’t
trust. You haven’t got time to do it yourself. A good accountant can
really put
money back in your pocket each month… money that could be well spent
advertising or marketing to get more repeat customers.

so much more, this is just the start.

the good news is…

What It Takes!

Here’s The Key To Unlock It…

really not hard to build and keep a profitable salon
once you start to use your natural creativity and flair that you
already have
deep down.

of the tips above might be enough for some salon
owners to stand a chance, but they are only the basics.

haven’t even begun to uncover the real, underground,
street level secrets that your competition is using.

that’s what you are missing…

proven blueprints to actually take your salon
from barely surviving to truly thriving.

not just one off jackpots, but daily repeat
and month on month profit soaring. More bookings,
busy staff,
bills paid on time.

I’d like to give you that missing blueprint so you
can save your salon
from going under

Allow me to present…

Your Complete Guide To
Increasing Your Salon Profits…

Even On A
Shoestring Budget!

For Only $17

business plan of a salon

is a digital download product and all images displayed
are for visualization purposes only)

already given you some very real advice that works,
but I know you want and need more.

need a competitive edge
if you want your salon
doors open next week, next month, next year.

can’t just do the same old, obvious and expensive methods
and expect a flurry of new customers like magic.

need something that works today, this year and beyond.
Why? Because people have more choice than ever these days, and they are
starting to tune their eyes and ears out of advertising… because
there’s so
much of it.

why I have created a full A-Z guide which walks you
through modern day marketing, social media marketing and PR techniques
to get more
people calling
your salon and booking an appointment today.

talking about throwing away
thousands on a Yellow Pages ad here. We’re not
talking about
giving discounts and sales which cut into your profits either.

methods should be left behind in the 90’s. They
won’t cut it into today’s fiercely competitive world.

you need a mix of psychological tactics,
persuasion, loyalty building devices, social media, word of mouth
triggers… things
your competition are clueless about.

the guide below, that is exactly what you will be

…along with a
wide range of tools to get people
talking about your salon, coming back every month, paying more than
buying more products, finding you over the competition, and staying
loyal for

So Let’s
Get A Little More
Specific. Here’s What I’ll Be Sharing With You In More Detail:

  • What turns most
    potential customers off
    when it
    comes to your business, before they even make an appointment… and how to
    solve this problem
    with little to zero money involved
    (often in less than a
    couple of days)
  • Why your staff could be killing
    your profits
    despite being the best stylists in town… and over seven ways to turn
    overlooked problems around
  • How
    to pull your staff out of their current low
    mood and attitude, so you can portray a positive, professional image
    (this is
    crucial for your business and your reputation)
  • Why
    worrying about styling and book-keeping is
    distracting you from the real problems
    that YOU could be personally causing
    your salon
  • Why
    customers don’t care about their great new
    hairstyle as much as they care about the _____, and why this could be
    your salon
  • What
    does it really mean to give your customer
    an experience, and not just a new hairstyle? Find out what it is, and
    how the
    pros do it
  • 7
    proven and cheap ways to instantly boost your
    salon’s reputation
    in the local community, and getting
    people to sell their
    friends on your salon
  • Is
    something as simple as your salon name
    actually killing your business cold? Find out inside…
  • How
    to spread the word using the internet and
    business cards, the right way
  • A
    cheap and simple way to increase customer loyalty
    by giving your customers ______ when they leave the salon, which
    forces them to come back at least once more, and makes your name stick
    in their
  • How to turn your
    reception/waiting room into a
    customer seducing honey trap
    … using a mix of social
    proof, branding, comfort
    and style to really “lock in” your customer to become a fan of your
    salon… and to truly remember the whole experience at the same time
    (this is
    gold dust!)
  • How
    to turn your under-booked services into your
    key selling points for any advertising you do… or simply for
    customers who are already sat in your salon
  • The
    secret of turning bored, surplus salon staff
    into useful marketing assistants that create an unbeatable experience
    for your
    current customers in the salon (this really gets people talking about
  • A simple trick for getting people
    to tell their
    friends about you
    , and how to use _______ to create
    powerful social proof and
    testimonials that they want to share with friends, family and even
    strangers (this really is out of the box stuff, but it works really
  • A
    fool proof and proven system for getting real,
    authentic and detailed testimonials from delighted customers… so you
    increase your business, persuade more people to make a booking, become
    after, and even increase your chances of getting a business loan (all
    explained inside)
  • How
    to literally explode your business within a
    couple of months, and without a penny spent on advertising
    using an automated
    online system that brings loyal customers back in one click (yes, it
    really is
    that simple… and companies like Maceys, Disney, Vue Cinemas, and even
    butchers and book-stores are paying thousands to have this done for
    them, but
    now you can do it yourself for free!)
  • How
    to create a USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
    that sets you apart from the competition and gives people a reason to
    your salon over theirs every time… including real examples
  • A
    simple, cheap and fast promotional method for
    establishing your salon as the most professional in town, as well as
    being the
    place to be for style conscious local residents… by tapping into what
    care about the most (hint = it’s NOT about them or their hair!)
  • My
    sneaky trick for getting local newspapers to
    give you FREE
    column inches and FREE
  • How
    to create newsworthy events and then make
    local papers, radio stations and even local news TV stations give you
    worth of free advertising and PR as a result (hint = you can’t just
    have an
    open day and expect people to flock to your salon)
  • Another
    sneaky system for tapping into your
    potential customers, but through the power of children this time…
    (this is
    very untapped, and it has a double barrel promotional effect for short
    and long
    term gain)
  • My full portfolio boosting system
    how to
    start, manage and promote your portfolio online for more customers.
    I’ll even
    show you how to get around customers who don’t want their picture
    taken, but
    you still want to show off your latest work and styles
  • How
    to find dirt cheap (or sometimes totally
    FREE) models for all your promotional campaigns, advertising, salon
    website images etc.
  • How to get a new
    website up and running quickly,
    even if you’re not technical.
    .. so that you can bring in
    floods of local
    searchers looking for their local salon
  • How
    to get your new or existing website to the
    top of Google, so you can get the biggest slice of internet users
    finding your
    site and making a booking (this is probably the best free source of
    you’ll ever experience)
  • The
    one website I use called _______ which is
    jam packed with potential new customers looking for businesses like
    yours every
  • How
    to run cheap, small budget ads online where
    you only ever pay when someone clicks and visits your site to make a
    (this is a great technique once you have the profits to play with)
  • The secret of social media online...
    how to tap
    into the websites that your customers are using every day, and get your
    business right under their noses without being a pest or annoying
  • Video
    : How most salon owners are totally
    overlooking one of the biggest websites on planet Earth …
    why – when done right – it can be one of the best FREE advertising and
    methods you will ever have access to
  • Making
    flyers and distributing them for mere
    pennies… a simple system that works, and brings in new customers each
    along with serious branding for your salon
  • How
    to tap into a certain group of people that
    will literally be “walking, talking billboards” for your salon… and
    are not just a great demographic for representing your new styles, but
    also are
    able to reach your perfect target customers
  • A full system for re-opening a
    salon the right
    … including in-store tips, local press and a unique
    reason for the re-open
    (get this wrong, and you probably won’t get a second chance with this
    method in
    the future)
  • Lucrative handshakes
    how to partner up with
    specific local businesses that are overflowing with your potential
    real customers who are more than likely looking for a new hairstyle
    today! You
    can even use this technique to steal customers from your biggest
  • How
    to turn your employees into a driven sales
    force… using incentives, competitions and prizes
  • Radio
    ga-ga… how to get free promotions and
    publicity from local radio stations, and getting new customers without
    usual ignored advertising methods that people tune out of their ears

really, there’s just so much more inside
… including
dozens of tricks, tips, short-cuts, resources and ways to save money
and time
in the process.

And in case you were wondering,
here is…

It’s So Easy And Quick

(And Why This Guide Works So Well…)

will find this guide effective because…

  • salon business plansIt
    is NOT
    spending thousands on useless
  • It
    is NOT about
    slashing prices and running
  • It
    is NOT about downsizing
    or firing staff
  • It
    shares the same underground marketing
    techniques used by the top 10% of successful salons in the
  • It
    uses a mixture of clever sales and persuasion
    devices to entice people into your salon for the first time, and keep
    coming back for more
  • It
    allows you to actually RAISE prices,
    pick and choose your customers, become an exclusive service and never
    about sales slumps again
  • It
    brings in
    lifelong repeat customers
    for FREE
    of the time)
  • It
    you apart from the competition
    even if you basically offer the same service and experience… and even
    if your
    salon isn’t as “fancy” or as big as theirs


You Will Be Able

  • Know
    exactly how much profit you will be
    making this month, next month and all year… so you can get better
    sleep at night, and avoid laying off and losing your best stylists
  • Grow
    your salon’s business and invest profits
    (or easily get a low rate loan) to open a new branch in a different
  • Spend
    less time bailing the water out of your
    sinking ship, and actually enjoy the lifestyle, the money and the
    freedom that
    owning a successful salon business can offer you
  • Save
    yourself some grey hairs and early
    wrinkles… by cutting out the choking stress of trying to save a dying

When you put it all together,
it’s safe to say…

No Other
Method, Solution
Or Service Comes Close To This. Here’s Why…

saves you time and money... no more wasting
on advertising that doesn’t work, no more spending all your time and
energy on
products and services that are losing you cash.

uses techniques that your competition aren’t using… you
don’t need to spend thousands on adverts, or have a global brand name

succeed with your salon. You simply need a way to reach new customers
effectively, and keep them coming back over and over.

doesn’t require outside consultants or companies
some marketing and PR companies will cost you several small loans
before you
see your first new customer as a result. This system you’re getting
today is
practically free in comparison, and it usually delivers far more

can get started today… no waiting for months
of meetings to take place, no waiting for the post to arrive, no back
and forth
phone calls. You can literally pick this up today and start picking out
tricks and methods to get more customers through your door tomorrow.

There’s zero risk… you won’t risk a single
with your investment in this program, unlike many other services which
thousands, and certainly don’t offer the same kind of reassurance or

How To
Get Started:

grab this COMPLETE salon profit blueprint, there’s a
download link below. Once you’ve clicked that link, you’ll be taken to
order screen to make a secure payment.

Download Link Below

will then be sent to a Thank You page with the
simple download instructions
within seconds.

means you can literally get started today… no
waiting for the postman for the next few days!

material is available to read online so simply
download to your computer, or print off. So no matter what, you’ll
always have
a backup copy if you need it.

there’s one last question for

Price Would You Put On
Saving At Least One Profitable, Respected, Popular And Buzzing Salon
This Year?

would it mean if you lost your current business?

Could you cope with going back to a regular day job taking orders from

think of all the admin and waiting time to set up
another salon in the future. It’s far easier to hold onto what you’ve
got, than
trying to build it all back up from scratch again, right?

besides, it won’t be so easy next time around… as
lenders won’t be so keen to back you after a first failed attempt.

the other hand, what would it mean if you kept your
current business, and you found just ten new regular customers this

This system is more than capable
of getting you an extra
ten customers per month. So look at the numbers and see if it makes

Month #No of New
#Total No of
Repeat Customers
Total New
Revenue (Ave of $150 per customer
1 10 10 $1500
2 10 20 $3000
3 10 30 $4500

puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

those numbers are conservative when you use
this system. But even so, what would an extra $4500 in revenue do for

the worst case scenario?

you only get five new customers as a result of this.
What does that compare to potentially losing five more customers by not
action instead?

it worth to you, personally?
What does that success
offer you, your friends and your family?

you’re not the only one riding on your salon’s
success. Maybe you have mouths to feed. Maybe you just can’t stand
labelled as a failure?

would life look like with a wildly profitable salon
buzzing away in the background? All that free time, extra
cash, excitement,
Those are worth fighting for, right?

if you ended up with two or three salons? How much
money would that make you? What would you do with that money? Do you
think life
would start to look a bit different, and feel different, with that kind
money rolling in each day?

all that in mind, wouldn’t you say its worth a little
bit of spare pocket change to invest in my guide?

Of course it is! Right?

Well The
Good News Is, With
This Guide, You’ll Be Able To Get There
Spending Hundreds…

without spending months wasting time and money on
old advertising methods that no longer work.

salon marketing plaIn
fact, the entire guide is only going to be $17
for you today

would – and should – charge more.

the truth is that I know the last thing you need
is another hefty bill. It’s not fair to ask for huge sums of money when
in a bind already.

the way I see it, you’ll like it so much that
you’ll want to hire me or buy more services and products from me in the
Either way, there’s no obligation or pressure.

give it a shot and see what happens.

But despite how small the
investment is, I’d still like to
make sure you are totally happy and protected, with this…


Satisfaction Guaranteed

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your copy today, and follow the simple steps I have
created for you.

give you an entire 60 days to give it a fair
shot. If you don’t like it, or can’t get going for whatever reason – or
for no reason at all – then simply shoot me a quick email and tell me
not paying for it.

won’t ask you any weird questions or try to convince you
to change your mind. You’ll pay nothing, and there will be no hard

know this guarantee will be abused by the occasional
person, but it’s the only way I can prove to you that I really do stand
my claims and this system.

mean, think about it…

this was a piece of junk, why would I offer such a
solid guarantee? There’s only one reason I’m offering this risk free

because I know you’ll love it and I wouldn’t be able
to buy it back off you at twice the price!

I’ll let YOU be the judge of that, once you get

what are you waiting for?
Isn’t it time you showed your
friends and family what you’re capable of? Isn’t it time you put your
stress levels to bed, and finally got a good night’s sleep?

If so, then…

How You Can Get
Instant Access Today:

grab this COMPLETE guide to Marketing For Hair Salons system,
there’s an order button below. Once you’ve clicked that button, you’ll
be taken
to the order screen to make a secure payment.

will then be able to download your Ebook within
seconds. That means you
can literally get started today
… no waiting
for the postman for the next few days!

material is available to read online and to download
to your computer. So no matter what, you’ll always have a backup copy
if you
need it.

Complete Guide To Hair Salon Profits”

Marketing for salon owners

Add to cart

you need is a credit card, no special Internet
accounts or anything like that. And it’s totally secure.)

Instant download access

can be reading this e-book in
as little as 5 minutes from now! This
is an electronic book (e-book)
that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash! Produced
in .pdf format and available for instant download.

time will vary depending on the type and quality of your computer
equipment and internet connection. 

All the best,

Ben Barker


And with a 60
risk free trial
, you can simply give it a shot
and see how quick and
easy it is to turn your salon around in record time.

Give it a test drive and see
what happens. There’s no
pressure. What’s the worst that can happen? You only get a few more
this month… which could translate into a few extra hundred a month in
For such a small investment of just $17, is that really such a bad deal?

Just remember, it’s
far easier to keep a business
alive than it is trying to start again… there’s just too much hassle,
begging the banks (who won’t touch you with a 10ft stick the second

You don’t want that, neither do
I. So give this a shot
and see what happens instead. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised
with how
quickly you will start to see the cash coming back in.

There’s obviously a lot riding
on your success… not
just the pride and freedom for yourself, but the pressure of friends
and family
to support too. If not for yourself, do it for them. Do it for the
quality time
you’ll be able to spend with them.

Who knows, this time next year,
you could be sat on
three or four new salons and on your way to the big league. Can you
what that would do for your self-confidence, mood and welfare?

Get started today, and see how
far you can go.


note that
as with many
authors who write in several different genres, the name Ben Barker
is a pseudonym used by the author

is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered
trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444
S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by
permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an
endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim,
statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. 

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