Raise Your Frequency – Powerful E-book Bundle Your List Will Love!

Raise Your Frequency – Powerful E-book Bundle Your List Will Love!
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Being in a high vibration is so powerful – you feel limitless, joyful and opportunities and people come into your life and help you on your journey towards your dreams.

BUT, there’s a problem:

Not many people know HOW to raise their vibrations or that it’s even possible.

They think they are just “unlucky” and stay in a low vibration, which means attracting low vibration events and emotions like anger, sadness and fear.

They feel like victims and that they can’t do anything about their circumstances.

If you’re reading this, I KNOW you will not be one of these who stay victims their whole life and you are ready to take charge of your life and fulfill your dreams.

Do any of these sound familiar?

sound familiar

  • You feel unlucky, you’re struggling manifesting money and you attract the wrong relationships and events and you keep asking yourself – why me?
  • You often feel stressed and exhausted and need a big dose of caffeine before you can take on the day
  • You feel grey and weary, and want to get back your glowing skin, fit body and flexibility you had when you were younger

If you’re nodding your head to any of these, know that there are many people just like you, who are struggling, but it doesn’t have to be this way!

By raising your vibrations you can attract dream job, dream body and your dream life!

Here is why having high vibrations is awesome:

  • You attract what you desire, effortlessly. It’s a myth that hard work is the only key to success. When you’re in a high vibration, you become more “lucky”. You become a vibrational match to what you desire and it therefore comes to you much easier
  • You are full of energy and don’t need coffee and other stimulants to not feel like a zombie
  • You can think more clearly, and don’t need to work as many hours to reach your dreams

Yes, life feels magical in a high vibration, and the good news is that it’s possible for ANYONE to achieve this.

Not only now and then, but as their MAIN STATE of being.

By raising your vibrations you can attract dream job, dream body and your dream life!

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Raise Your Frequency to Attract Your Dream Life

Raise Your Frequency to Attract Your Dream Life is an e-book to help you increase your vibrations and manifestation powers.

  • The book includes 16 vibration-raising habits that will help you attract your dream life, as well as your energy levels and improve your Health!
  • If you follow the instructions you WILL raise your frequency. Guaranteed. Just make sure to use your manifestation powers to do good!
  • All you need to do is slowly start implementing these habits, one at a time, until it they become engrained in you. Then it will be just as easy as brushing your teeth in the morning!

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What makes me worth listening to?

I’m happy to say I’ve been living my ultimate dream life for several years as a digital nomad and light warrior.

I took myself out from depression and dead-end job and learned how to raise my vibrations and attract my dream life.

My dream is now my full-time income – helping lightworkers step into their soul mission through my blog The Spirit Nomad.

I’ve also healed my chronic acne and feel healthier and more vibrant than in my early 20’s.

  • How and why you should create a ‘positive energy immersion’ environment in your house and life, and what a HUGE difference it will make to how you feel (negative thoughts literally can’t survive in these conditions)
  • Learn the specific hour of the day where it’s CRITICAL that you don’t consume negative messages, so you can instead visualise what you WANT, and ACTUALLY attract it
  • How diet affects your vibrations and the best foods to eat for glowing skin
  • How you can ground yourself naturally to remove dangerous free radicals from your body, so you can feel better and reduce inflammation
  • The best 5 type of exercises for raising your frequency and manifestation powers
  • The one essential supplement you need to take in order to supercharge your diet and feel better in all areas of your life 
  • The ultimate guide to improving your sleep so you can wake up feeling peaceful and refreshed.
  • The 5 worst “vibration killer” stimulants and why you should avoid them

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Raise Your Frequency To Attract Your Dream Life

(Value $27)

A detailed e-book with over 15 powerful biohacks to raise your vibrations and thereby increase your manifestation powers. These will also help you feel more energy and power in your life.

The 5-Step Money Manifesting Formula

(Value $29)

Learn how to manifest money fast into your life, so you quicker can leave your job and make money and abundance come to YOU.

The Digital Nomad Morning Routine

(Value $20)

Discover the ultimate morning routine that has helped me start my day in peace and presence. Learn an ancient morning exercise that boost your energy and unblocks your chakras, the best way to meditate and visualise your dreams and much more.

Printable Self-Love Affirmations

(Value $20)

A printable affirmations sheet to stick on the mirror in your room. This affirmations sheet gives you some powerful statements to read out to yourself every morning, to start loving yourself and see your value, which will help you feel better and attract your dream life.

That’s a total of $96, but if you buy today you can get it all for just $39!

Start Raising Your Frequency

To Attract Your Dream Life Now!

  • INSTANT lifetime access, plus lifetime support from me
  • A 60 days money-back guarantee so you’re not risking anything
  • Bonuses worth almost $100 in value (free for life)


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Got questions?

What if it doesn’t work?

If you follow all the steps you WILL raise your frequency and your manifestation powers. I am so confident in this that I offer a whopping 60-days money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

Is it a physical product?

No, it’s completely digital, and you will get instant access to the files as soon as you have bought the course.

How do I access the course?

Once you’ve completed your payment information, you’ll be redirected to the download page, where you can instantly access EVERYTHING. You’ll also get sent an email with a confirmation, and your download links in case you lose them.

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