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How It Works:

#Physique40 is a Workout Consistency Challenge … but it’s so much more!

I’ve run workout consistency challenges every year for the last 7 years and every time we’ve had thousands of participants and have cultivated a kickass community of gals who want to support one another and bond through the iron (think #20×20, #MetconMonster, #PhysiqueWeek, #40DT40).

Every time in the past, the challenges have been free and a shorter duration.

Not this time!

I’m asking you to put some skin in the game and COMMIT to 40 total days (and of course set yourself up for habit change and continued consistency and progress after, which is why this challenge is actually DOABLE and not extreme).

This challenge is happening together starting Monday June 6th, 2022.

I’m providing 5 workouts/week, plus videos to help you with your exercise form, plus a suggested calendar to follow and of course a kicks community of like-minded women doing it right alongside you.

The name of the game is consistency + results!

The goal is to dial in our fitness routines and challenge ourselves by completing short, but intense metabolic conditioning workouts. These workouts are specifically designed to elicit physique change in 20-40 minutes or less with consistency. These are weight training workouts, but you will also feel the cardio burn!

In order to complete the challenge, you must complete 29 workouts over the 40 days (an average of 5 workouts a week).

Yes, this is going to be tough! That’s why it’s a “challenge” but all workouts are 20-40 minutes MAX, and as the goal is consistency, I want you to do what you need to to get them in! Join thousands of others taking part in this challenge.

Every person who completes 29 workouts in the 40 days will be entered to win EPIC prizes including:

  • Two (2) $200 Gift Card to Alo (my personal fav fitness apparel)
  • Two (2) Bundle of all my favorite protein bars, shakes and healthy convenience “treats” and goodies ($200 value)
  • Two (4) Enrollment into any of my 4 Fitness Programs of your choosing — #treadLIFT. #FastPhysique, #PhysiqueFinishers or #LeanBuilding ($100 value each).

There are 3 different TYPES of workouts within the program:

  • STRONG days – focused more on strength-building, these will move a little slower.
  • SHREDDY days – these are focused on volume and will require you move a little faster with the weights.
  • SPEED days – these will be your typical HIIT, metabolic conditioning workouts, sprints, cardio, etc… think breathless and sweaty.

All workouts can be done with dumbbells (I suggest one heavy set, one light set) and/or barbells.

The goal is a well-rounded strength, physique and athletic program you can rinse and repeat a few times a year.

Click the button and legooo!

As always, if you have any questions, you can always email me: [email protected].

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